bookworm's corner

Mulai sekarang saya bakal nulis judul buku yang saya lagi baca...
Ya iseng aja.. hihi

Karena abis pulkam dan ngeborong buku Indonesia, jadi 2 bulan ini banyak baca buku Indo.
- kicau kacau - Indra Herlambang ***love it!***
- kedai 1001 mimpi - Vabyo ***love it!***
- thanks for the memories - Cecelia Ahern
- if you could see me now - Cecelia Ahern
- the gift - Cecelia ahern ***like it!***
- the naked traveler - Trinity
- crash into you - aleazalea
- dia tanpa aku - Esti Kinasih
- raising a $martkid - Rosina Simon
- 99 cahaya di langit eropa - Hanum Salsabiela Rais dan Rangga Almahendra

- the collectors - David Baldacci
- the rule of four - Ian Caldwell  ***gak abis***
- stone cold - David Baldacci
- true blue - David Baldacci
- middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides *gakabis*
- the journeys - Adhitya Mulya dkk *gak abis*

- cocktails for three - madeleine wickham
- rainwater - sandra brown
- the hunger games - suzanne collins
- catching fire - suzanne collins

- The boy in the striped pyjamas - John Boyne
- smooth talking stranger - Lisa Kleypas
- Mockingjay - suzanne collins

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