Friday, November 19, 2010


I feel a bit menye-menye tonight.
What is 'menye-menye' ?
Well, according to my editor who edited 'menye-menye' in my book, it can be described as 'manja berlebihan'. halah!

Kenapa saya jadi menye-menye?
Gara-gara abis ngebaca email-email jaman saya pacaran jarak jauh sama Jo.
Hadeuwww.. itu yah, romantis pisan euy!
Banyak banget kata-kata Love, Schaat(=sayang), Sweety, Honey yang diumbar :)
Dan janji-janji surga! ahahaha..
Those moments... *menerawang*

Saya jadi mikir.
Bedanya dulu dan sekarang..
He doesnt call me Honey anymore.
Nor Sweety.
Nor Love.
Nor Schaat.

In fact.. just two hours ago, when I forgot to turn off the oven, he reminded me by saying "Hey Hartanti.. the oven is still on, huh?" *we're not even in first name basis anymore :))*
I replied by saying "Sowwwwrrry"

But then again, I didnt send him any love letter any more. I did send an email today...with a grocery list :)

The way he looked at me still makes me feel like I'm the sexiest woman alive.
And although sometimes i know that he's not listening to every words I say (especially when i ramble.. and I do ramble a lot).. I just know that he understands me like no one else does.
And I do know, that eventhough he is not the kind of guy who showers me with flowers and romantic gestures, he is one reliable, trustworthy guy that i trust more than I trust my self! *sumpah*
And while i consider him as 'raja tega' sometimes, i know, that whenenver I'm in trouble, i can count on him to be my hero, the prince charming who will rescue me and sweep me off on his white horse.

oh how i love him.

*menye-menye banget yah? ah biarin :)*


  1. ow, so sweet :)
    inspiring banget kalau mau bikin novel tentang married, ya Fan :)

  2. Rina.. hhehe makanya, the wedding games ;-)

  3. Wahahahaa, asyikkkk
    gak sabar nunggu terbit ;)

  4. Fan! gw juga suka mikir gitu deh...dulu kok romantis banget, niat banget bela-belain bandung-bogor-jakarta untuk ketemuan even cuman sejam trus balik lagi! lah sekarang?tiada hari tanpa sebel sama dia. hahaha...anyway menye" itu bagus, drpd datar artinya udah gawaaattt =p

  5. Rina: iya.. jangan lupa beli yah.. *teteupjualan*

    Astrid: gue suka protes Tid.. memaksa Jo untuk lebih romantis. Eh dia jawab : Ha Woman.. you're stuck wtih me! trus ketawa ala butoijo.
    ngeselin :)
